Our Agency

Domo S.M. Immobiliare

The real estate agency in La Caletta, Siniscola of Susanna Murru provides clients an excellent service both for property sales and renting. Apartments are located just a few metres away from the sea and if you prefer peace and quiet, inland immersed in the splendid Mediterranean scrub, you are sure to find the ideal solution for your investment or your holiday in one of the most beautiful places in Sardinia. Professionalism, courtesy, absolute transparency, care and passion are what make our property sales and renting service in the local area stand out. We provide a free estimate of the property, free promotion of the property with the relative photos on our website as well as nationally and internationally recognised real estate web pages. We provide tax and legal advice from banking assistance to the notarial deed and beyond. Our main objective has always been to provide a service aimed at protecting the interests of both parties in full compliance with regulations governing the sector.

How we work

Our working methods

We have been in the business for more than twenty years and we are members of the most important national trade associations. We are able to sell any kind of property for residential or any other use. A constantly updated archive of potential buyers allows us to conclude the majority of listings entrusted to us in a very short time. Our business is marked by extreme transparency in relationships with clients: the Federation of Real Estate Agents (FIAIP) forms with the selling price agreed between the seller and the estate agent and the fixed commission are clearly indicated on the listing agreement. We are constantly updated through professional training by promoting and adhering to study seminars, events and conferences in order to provide an increasingly qualified service that befits talented professionals.


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